Live streaming as part of your outreach strategy
In talks with Christoph Trappe
Bring out the champagne because a brand new season of Cuppa Press is now live! You’ll see several new elements on the show and with the branding as we move forward. Thank you for being here (we always knew you were awesome).
Onto the first episode then.
B2B brands have toppled the podcast bandwagon with a new podcast launching every 8.9 minutes (that’s a completely made up stat, but you get the idea). They create these podcast episodes, cross their fingers, shut their eyes tight in prayer, and hope their listenership magically increases in the blink of an eye.
If this is you, you’re probably nodding your head now, especially if you’re just starting your podcast from scratch. And if you’re even remotely involved in content, you know this approach is every content creator’s Achilles heel.
But what if there indeed WAS a way to increase your listenership? No, we’re not talking growth hacking or throwing away dollars.
What if brands can leverage the audience base they’ve created across their social networks over the years? Genius, right? That’s where live streaming comes into the picture.
Peanut Butter: Jelly:: Live Streaming: Podcasting
And live streaming's advantages are manifolds:
- Leverages existing audience
- Takes away the power of the edit button (you can still edit it before you repurpose it as a podcast episode)
- Adds authenticity to your brand by bringing the people in your team in front of your audience
- Complements your podcast strategy like peanut butter complements jelly

We discuss all of this and more on this episode of Cuppa Press where Christoph Trappe, Content strategist at Voxpopme joined us. He’s also the Chief Content and Strategy Officer at the Authentic Storytelling Project and an avid podcaster.
Show Notes
3.22 - Clubhouse: Podcast’s Friend or Foe?
4.55 - What makes a good podcast
8.11 - Outreach strategy and where live streaming fits within it
10.27 - When live streaming works best and what kind of audience you need for it
12.32 - Live streaming and content strategy
17.45 - Authenticity and live streaming
19.09 - Ensuring your content is audience-centric
21.42 - What makes a good story and why you need to repeat your story over and over again
24.29 - Why aren’t a lot of brands live streaming?
Previously on Cuppa Press
- Content Strategy for Dummies
- Stories, Vulnerability, and Binge-Worthy Content
- How to Build Your Marketing Superhero Suit
- A Beginner's Guide to Newsletters
- Decoding Presales and Product Management
- Selling in This Digital Economy
- Content Marketing Playbook for SMBs
- LinkedIn, Quora, and Personal Branding
- All things Branding
- Brand Storytelling for Millennials
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